
Life Without Limits

life without limits

I have wanted to have this book, “Life Without Limits”, by Clifford Goldstein as part of a book club assignment.  When I read it I immediately liked not only the style but the provocative way he delivers the substance.

While I am here in Brantford, I am happy to attract people here to this book.

To participate, please complete the form below.  Indicate if you will participate live or via the online blog.  When we have enough interested folk for a live book club, we will arrange the schedule.  My prayer is that this book will answer questions you may have and draw you into a closer relationship with and a better understanding of Jesus Christ.


If you knew these things were true, would you live safe and defeated? Or would you set out to live a larger life—a life without limits?

In this enlightening book Clifford Goldstein takes on some of life’s biggest questions and offers some answers that will change how you view—and live—your life. With a fascinating mixture of faith and logic he seeks out the truth on such matters as the meaning of life, where we came from, the laws that protect us from pain, and why we can believe in a promising future.

Life Without Limits will start you on a journey more meaningful and exciting that you ever imagined.


Take part in the book club.  By participating in person, you will receive a free copy of “Life Without Limits”, by Clifford Goldstein.

To participate in the book club, club will meets in Brantford Ontario on Tuesday evenings.


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    About the author

    Ivan Sutton

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